[imp] MIMP H3 (1.1-RC2)

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Mar 13 10:26:27 UTC 2008

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> The Horde Team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of the MIMP
> Webmail Client version H3 (1.1).

I'm pleased to say that the two issues I mentioned the other day on this
list with the RC(n-1) versions are gone!

(For reference, issues were replying to a message used IMP, not MIMP and
the display of the message itself failing due to the headers not being
loaded from the cache due to the 32 flag not being passed)

Thanks :)

Out of curiosity, are there any plans to make MIMP, erm, well, less
minimal? I think quite a few people have e.g. colour mobile phones, PDAs
and can cope with a few small graphics and some colours in the template.
Some pre-loading of messages would be great too. My ideal is the Google
Mail java app you can use on modern mobiles... it's UI is pretty good
IMO and it would be great to see DIMP have a version that produces a
similar interface.

This isn't a whining, will you make me this type mail, just a general
enquiry. It may be that I can help with some stuff, tho' fairly
oversubscribed to various projects right now :)


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