[imp] problem with attachments in unicode (UTF16)

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Thu Mar 27 18:06:33 UTC 2008

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Otto Stolz wrote:

> Hello,
> Jan Schneider schrieb:
>> This won't work of course, because you can't read local files with JavaScript.
> This is what I had feared.
> So, I think the best solution would be:
> - Provide a Charset field next to the file-selection widget
>   for the user to specify the encoding of the file he chooses
>   for uploading;
> - if the user chooses a text file and a charset, tag the
>   attachment so; optionally, warn if the uploaded file contains
>   illegal data w.r.t. the charset chosen;
> - if the user chooses a text file, but leaves the Charset
>   default value ?unknown? alone, try to guess the charset,
>   as discussed earlier in this thread;
> - if the user chooses a non-text file, ignore the value
>   of the Charset field.

Or, only provide a Charset selection widget after the file has been 
uploaded and identified as "text".  Hmm, or would it make more sense to 
just use the Charset chosen for the message in the existing Charset 
selection widget?

Maybe I'm just being a silly American, but is this really such a large 
problem that we need to add all this complexity to IMP?  This discussion 
is the first time I've ever seen a UTF-16 file.  :)


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