[imp] further issues

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed May 28 21:46:18 UTC 2008

Quoting "Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd" <spiro at knossos.net.nz>:

>>> I prefer to be able to control Imp (and horde) through the config files
>>> directly.
>> This is asking for trouble.  These files are not designed to be fully
>> configured by hand from scratch.
> Actually, your documentation invites this trouble. Quoting from section
> 4 of the horde SECURITY document:
> "Note that the last line makes all files unwritable by any user (only
> root can override this). This makes the site secure, but may make it
> more difficult to administrate. In particular, it will defeat the Horde
> administrative configuration interface, forcing you to update the Horde
> configuration files manually (as per the INSTALL instructions)."

While I can see why reading that line might make someone think that  
(perhaps that file needs to be changed?), if you read the INSTALL  
documents it says *nothing* about creating conf.php files for  
applications from scratch - it explains how to log into the  
administration GUI.  Even if you did, indeed, create "completely  
fascist permissions" as the paragraph your quote is from explains how  
to do, I still do not think it's too much of an expectation that on a  
major upgrade such as this, an administrator would at least look at  
the configuration interface and see that they need to be updated...and  
these files really do not need to be modified in the normal course of  
running Horde, so once they are generated, the permissions could be  
set back to fascist-level if that is what you desire. Again, all I'm  
talking about is dealing with the changes that go along with a major  
upgrade....to tweak/modify existing configuration files to *change*  
something is a different story IMO.

Given all the backends that Horde supports, each with it's own set of  
unique $conf[] requirements, plus all the other configuration options  
that Horde has, it would be a fairly impracticable task to create a  
new configuration from scratch.

> I thought relying on GUI-based administration was the domain of legacy
> operating systems.

What would make you say that...even if you can equate Horde to an  
operating system?


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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