[imp] IMP still searches address books when they've been deactivated by the user in Turba

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Fri May 30 14:39:41 UTC 2008

Here's something a user found confusing.

We turned on the favorites address book when we upgraded to the new  
version of horde.  This particular user decided he didn't like it and  
tried to turn it off, which revealed this potential issue.

If you go into Turba's address book options and remove an address book  
from the "Choose which address books to display, and in what order"  
list, IMP will no longer display that address book (in it's options,  
in the composition screen "address book" button, etc).  However, it  
will still /search/ that address book until you go into Imp's address  
book options and save those options (verifying that the address book  
you wished to remove was no longer listed).

I realize that they only changed the options in Turba, and didn't  
update anything in IMP... but I think their assumption is that if  
they've turned it off in Turba, IMP should stop using it regardless.


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