[imp] Changing the url of the defualt login

Eric A. Bonney mailinglists at vanhlebarsoftware.com
Fri Jun 13 18:08:31 UTC 2008

Currently I have an Alias that points to my horde setup and it is set  
up as such:

Alias /horde "/usr/share/horde"
<Directory "/usr/share/horde">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI -MultiView +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

What I really would like is to change the Alias to be /webmail. I can  
make the change here, but the problem I get is that I then can't login  
to Horde at all. I figure there is a change in the configuration file  
somewhere that I am missing, but I am not sure where. Can anyone give  
me a hint?


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