[imp] imp 4.2 - Could not retrieve the message from the mail server.

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Thu Jul 3 21:42:00 UTC 2008

Quoting "Otto Stolz" <Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de>:

> Hello John H. Bennett III,
> you have written:
>> Since I have upgraded to horde 3.2.1 and imp 4.2,messages received  
>> from one domain only currently, that I try to reply to or forward  
>> result in an errror in imp stating, "Could not retrieve the message  
>> from the mail server."  Messages did work with the previous stable  
>> versions.  Here is a copy of the message source.  Could this just  
>> be an issue with anyone using outlook express?
> I do not think so. The message source you have partially quoted
> looks OK to me. It has, however, “Content-Type: multipart/alternative”,
> meaning that, after the text/plain version you have partially
> quoted, another version (probably text/html) is expected.
> From the error message you have quoted, I guess, there is a problem
> either with your mail (IMAP) server, or with IMP trying to
> use that service. Hence, you should look into your mail server’s logs,
> and in your Webmail server’s horde, and php-error, logs.
> Good luck,
>   Otto Stolz

Thanks for replying Otto, turns out my dovecot indexes on a folder had  
gotten corrupted.  I removed them, then logged back in and went to  
that folder and all is good again.


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