[imp] Why would dimp be slower to generate message list than imp?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Jul 10 16:50:30 UTC 2008

Quoting gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> Why would dimp be *significantly* slower to generate message list  
> than imp on a large mailbox?

DIMP isn't slower per se - both DIMP and IMP use the exact same  
functions to generate the message lists.  However, DIMP processes a  
larger chunk of messages at a time than IMP does.  In a typical  
mailbox, IMP displays by default 20 messages per page while DIMP  
downloads, by default, 7 times the size of the current viewport (if  
the current viewport is 20 messages, DIMP downloads the message  
information for 140 messages).  The tradeoff is slightly slower  
initial display in DIMP for subsequent instantaneous scrolling through  
the mailbox (at least the portion that is loaded) while in IMP, you  
would have to wait for each subsequent page to load which takes much  
longer and also hammers the server (a single request for message info  
140 messages is more than 700% more efficient than 7 requests for 20  
messages each).

> I also find if I delete a message it just puts a line through it  
> whereas this works perfectly in imp.

This sounds like the bug that was discovered immediately after 1.0 was  
released and has already been fixed for 1.0.1.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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