[imp] hide messages marked for deletion or purge deleted messages

Tim Bannister Tim.Bannister at manchester.ac.uk
Sun Jul 20 21:52:25 UTC 2008

> Quoting Chris Lafty <clafty at stlawu.edu>:
> If you set "move messages to Trash" option in IMP, that literally 
> means "move any message I delete using the IMP interface to the 
> Trash".  You apparently want that to mean instead "move any message I 
> delete using the IMP interface, along with messages that I may/many 
> not know are deleted, and may not even appear in my current view, to 
> the Trash."  But that's not what IMP's option says it is going to do.

That does sound to me as if users would not expect it.

> Deleting *any* message is the most destructive operation possible with 
> IMAP, so you need to make especially sure that you are 100% sure the 
> user wants to delete.  If you are only 99% sure the user wants to 
> delete those messages, you simply can't do it.  Those are just the 
> facts of life (and UI design).

IMP's approach is a little more risky for people who use another client: 
if the other client sets the \Deleted flag but does not use a Trash 
folder, this means that when they delete a message with IMP, they 
expunge all those messages without knowing that they have done this.

There is a Thunderbird bug which I think is slightly relevant:

Tim Bannister
Email system administrator
IT Services division
The University of Manchester

w: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/itservices

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