[imp] Randomly logged out and blank screens

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Aug 12 21:51:10 UTC 2008

Quoting Babita <brana at ualberta.ca>:

> Hi.
> Some of our users are getting booted back to the login screen  
> randomly. And sometimes users get a blank screen when they click on  
> a message, ie, the sidebar/top menu are visible but the rest is  
> blank. Just wondering if anyone else has run into these problems and  
> what you did to resolve them. We're running Horde 3.1.4 & IMP 4.1.4  
> with memcached 1.2.4.

You really shouldn't be using memcache sessionhandler with Horde  
3.1.x.  There are all sorts of known issues with the old Horde driver  
that would cause session timeouts, etc..


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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