[imp] Message redirect in imp 4.2.1 RC1 causes error message

Terry Soucy tsoucy at UNB.ca
Thu Aug 14 13:04:38 UTC 2008

Testing horde-3.2.1 and imp 4.2.1 RC1, and when a user attempts to 
redirect a message, the window changes to a "New Message" window, and at 
the top is the following error message ...

* Error  We cannot verify that this request was really sent by you. It 
could be a malicious request.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance

Terry Soucy
Terry Soucy, Systems Analyst              Integrated Technology Services
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Campus   http://www.unbf.ca/its
Voice: 506.447.3018        Fax: 506.453.3590       E-mail: tsoucy at unb.ca
**    ITS is a scent-reduced workplace -  www.unbf.ca/its/policies    **

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