[imp] Caching inbox pages.

robert sand rsand at d.umn.edu
Wed Sep 10 16:52:04 UTC 2008

What does this mean?  Even our Apache guy does not know what this means:

"added PHP to the list of static extenstions."

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting robert sand <rsand at d.umn.edu>:
>> Is there a way in imp to stop the caching of pages like email messages 
>> and inbox pages?  Does imp use the 'Pragma: no-cache' in the header?  
>> If not is there a way I can add that so that the browser does not 
>> cache these pages?
> This should be done at the HTTP server level.  You probably haven't 
> added PHP to the list of static extenstions.
> michael

Robert Sand.
mailto:rsand at d.umn.edu
1028 Kirby Drive
366 K Plz
Duluth, MN 55812-3095
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

"Walk behind me I may not lead, Walk in front of me I may not follow,
Walk beside me and we walk together"  UTE Tribal proverb.

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