[imp] wordwrap message lines at 72

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Mon Nov 10 15:23:38 UTC 2008

> Il giorno dom 09 nov 2008 20:21:16 CET, Michael M Slusarz ha scritto:
> >Quoting Andrea Zagli <azagli at libero.it>:
> >
> >>Il giorno dom 09 nov 2008 00:54:09 CET, Michael M Slusarz ha scritto:
> >>>[...]
> >>>>textarea in composition wraps at 76, but when i view the message  
> >>>>sent it isn't wrapped (as this message)... i must manually insert  
> >>>>carriage return; is ther an option that do this automatically?
> >>>
> >>>That's because the message is sent in flowed format.  Flowed  
> >>>messages don't wrap within a paragraph on display.
> >>
> >>so, how can i not send in flowed format? or, how can i view on imp  
> >>these e-mails wrapped as source?
> >
> >You can't.  We always send in flowed format.  Why would you want to  
> >send in not flowed format?

On 10.11.08 15:17, Andrea Zagli wrote:
> i only want that my mail is showed wrapped at 72th char also on imp as  
> in other mail client (like evolution)

resize your view window properly then ;-)

> >>>If you view the message source, you will see that the text is  
> >>>wrapped at 76 characters.
> >>
> >>it's true
> >>
> >>but why imp show me the queted part of the message correctly  
> >>wrapped and what i wrote not? (in evolution i see the whole email  
> >>correctly)
> >
> >I don't understand what you are asking here.
> sorry... my poor english... i try again
> for example, when i display in imp a mail that i sent from imp in  
> reply to other mail, i see the quoted part of the mail wrapped, while  
> i see the part that i wrote not wrapped

I'll try to explain this:

All text in flowed format _IS_ wrapped (unless sending MTA is broked).
However MUA who understands flowed format, may re-wrap it to its needs.

So, text sent from IMP _IS_ wrapped. However IMP and other clients may not
show it to you.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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