[imp] About imp ---IMAP---> MDaemon server 9.6.1
Michel Vega Fuenzalida
mvega at cuij.co.cu
Wed Nov 26 17:57:08 UTC 2008
Sorry my english:
I have Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.0.7 and like Mail Server a
MDaemon Server 9.6.1 in Windows 2003 Server. When i use
horde/imp/test.php, it said:
PHP Mail Server Support Test
Attempting to automatically determine the correct connection parameters
for your server:
* Trying protocol imap/notls, Port 143:
ERROR - The server returned the following error message:
Retrying CRAM-MD5 authentication after Authentication
failedRetrying CRAM-MD5 authentication after Authentication failedSECURITY
PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAINCan not authenticate to IMAP
server: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken
* Trying protocol imap/ssl, Port 993:
ERROR - The server returned the following error message:
Can't connect to,993: Connection refused
* Trying protocol imap/ssl/novalidate-cert, Port 993:
ERROR - The server returned the following error message:
Can't connect to,993: Connection refused
* Trying protocol imap/tls/novalidate-cert, Port 143:
ERROR - The server returned the following error message:
Unable to negotiate TLS with this server
The 143 port is open, I can make: telnet ip.mdaemon.server.cu 143.
Some body can help me.
It's my imp/config/server.php:
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'MDaemon IMP Server',
'server' => 'x.y.z.b',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => 'my.domain.cu',
'smtphost' => 'x.y.z.a',
'smtpport'=> 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
Usemos el Software Libre "Con todos y para el bien de todos"
Michel Vega Fuenzalida Usuario Linux: 353763
Coordinador del Grupo Linux Pinero
Técnico de Laboratorio
Centro Universitario "Jesús Montané Oropesa"
Isla de la Juventud
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