[imp] Feature request: previous/next <link> tags in header

Rick Beton rick.beton at bigbeeconsultants.co.uk
Mon Jan 12 11:56:45 UTC 2009

I'd like the web email page to include navigation links in the header as
well as the body.

Along the top of each email, there is at the right a "back to inbox' link
and previous/next buttons.  A small improvement would be to duplicate these
navigation items in the header using <link> tags.  This makes the navigation
available to the browser in other ways (for example, in Firefox the Link
Widgets plugin allows direct activation of the links).

Further information on <link> here:
Of course, this information needs adjusting for XHTML, e.g. we need

<link href="/horde/imp/mailbox.php?start=121" rel="Index"/>
<link href="/horde/imp/message.php?index=479" rel="Prev"/>
<link href="/horde/imp/message.php?index=481" rel="Next"/>


PS I am using Imp H3 (4.1.4) proviedd by my ISP.

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