[imp] Adding logo in jpg/png in signature/trailer....

Hok Hie Tjioe hhtjioe at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 20 15:28:14 UTC 2009

Hello Michael,

I have test the working of this as suggested. But still I can manage to get de log/image in de body or as signature.
After the template is saved as draft only the text part is saved correctly. The image is then saved as an attachment and therefore is not viewable again.

Is there any advise to e.g. to customize the xinha editor? I.e. to autoatically insert the required image when the user starting composing the mail.

Any help will be appreciated!


Hok Hie Tjioe

email: hhtjioe[at]yahoo[dot]com

----- Original Message ----
From: Hok Hie Tjioe <hhtjioe at yahoo.com>
To: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>; imp at lists.horde.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 11:28:47 AM
Subject: Re: [imp] Adding logo in jpg/png in signature/trailer....

Hmm.. So you can't do it autmatically just to define the correct signature and/or trailer...
Is there btw any plan to support this though?
Somebody from Horde community that can confirm this?
It will be very very usefull for all MS minded public.....

Thanks in advance.


Hok Hie Tjioe

email: hhtjioe[at]yahoo[dot]com

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
To: imp at lists.horde.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 5:34:04 AM
Subject: Re: [imp] Adding logo in jpg/png in signature/trailer....

Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Hi,
> I also clearly don't know.  I am assuming this could be the solution.  Because, in option, there is option to create new Form Stationary.  It has some relation to Signature where %c and %s options can be used. %s stands for signature.
> If anybody can tell more about this, it will be better.

Stationery will not let you do this.  If you want to do this, you should create a template using the HTML in the compose screen, save it as a draft, and then you can go to the draft folder and resume composing the message.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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