[imp] Max attachment size

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Apr 8 16:40:56 UTC 2009

Quoting Michael Menge <michael.menge at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>:

> Hi,
> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> The MIME/IMAP/attachment code has been completely rewritten in IMP  
>> 5 and, regardless, the outputted message *is* valid MIME.  However,  
>> you really shouldn't be using 'Forward Attachments Only' - you  
>> should be using 'Forward Entire Message' (I am very close to  
>> removing the other 2 options in IMP 5 completely).
> The 'Forward Attachments Only' is needed. IMP4 has problems showning
> Messages Forwarded "Forwarding Entire Message" if the original  
> Messages contained Attachments and was signed with SMIME. I can't  
> remember if the forwarded message had to be signed that the problem  
> would be shown.
> See http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/4297
> How will/should IMP5 handle Forwarding signed messages?

It forwards the entire signed message.  Thinking about this more, this  
makes the most sense.  If I send an encrypted message to someone, I  
*don't* want that person to forward that message to anyone else that  
can't decrypt the message - that message is meant for the the  
receiving person only (that is the whole purpose of encryption).

Obviously we can't prohibit the receiver from copying/pasting text or  
downloading/reattaching an attachment in a new message, but this  
requires active steps on the part of the user rather than allowing  
simple forwarding via a button.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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