[imp] DIMP folder context menu operations don't work on open folder

Graeme Wood Graeme.Wood at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jul 27 13:23:24 UTC 2009

DIMP 1.2.1
Horde 3.3.4
Imp 4.3.4

If you open a folder in DIMP and then use the context menu on the folder 
in the side panel to say change the seen status to read, I am seeing the 
status of the messages in the folder as unchanged, though the read message 
count on the folder in the side panel is updated. The operations work only 
if you don't open the folder first. Is anyone else seeing this?

Graeme Wood, Unix Section of the IT Infrastructure Division,
Information Services, The University of Edinburgh
Email: Graeme.Wood at ed.ac.uk Phone: +44 131 650 5003 Fax: +44 131 650 6552

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body,
registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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