[imp] Re-ordering virtual inbox and trash

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Aug 12 21:44:59 UTC 2009

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>>> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>> During a workshop with a client they proposed a change in the  
>>>> folder tree that they implemented locally.
>>>> They moved both the virtual inbox and trash to the main folder  
>>>> tree, i.e. out of the virtual folders parent node. The virtual  
>>>> inbox is moved right next to the real inbox and renamed to Unread  
>>>> Messages. The virtual trash is simply replacing the regular trash  
>>>> folder in position and name.
>>>> These changes make a lot of sense to me, because "virtual *"  
>>>> doesn't make much sense to end users, and they don't recognize  
>>>> them as saved searches either, so they don't make much sense in  
>>>> the virtual folders hierarchy.
>>>> I'd like to propose those changes upstream too, any more opinions?
>>> Makes sense to me. My only concern would be performance with the  
>>> trash folder if it's always a search.
>> The virtual trash would of course only be used if enabled.  
>> Otherwise the trash folder is still the "real" trash folder. The  
>> behavior won't be changed, just the position in the tree.
> Perfect.

I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't do this.  (Sorry for the  
late reply... About 4 days of list messages have just shown up in the  
last hour)


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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