[imp] Autocomplete blanks page on IE

gimili gimili17 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 18:36:31 UTC 2009

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Patrick Domack <patrickdk at patrickdk.com>:
>> Yes, both of them, but it would make your life easier to just apply:
>> http://cvs.horde.org/diff.php/horde/js/prototype.js?rt=horde&r1=1.19&r2=1.20&ty=u 
>> Then copy the that file into 
>> imp/mnemo/ingo/turba/kronolith/nag/chora/gollem if you have them 
>> installed, since they are identical files.
> You don't need to do the second bit.  Any somewhat recent version of 
> Horde will always load prototype.js from the horde installation.  We 
> need to update the prototype.js files in the applications in the slim 
> chance that someone is running something like Horde 3.0 still.
> michael
Worked for me.  Thanks for the quick fix!  I am glad it was not 
something unique to my setup.


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