[imp] how to share an adressbook

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Sep 20 01:43:14 UTC 2009

Quoting Thierry CHEN <frms at webologix.com>:

> Thanks for your reply. In fact my problem was that I didn't pay  
> attention to the upper right popup that permits to select the  
> external adressbooks. I think any newbie expects to see all books  
> when he clicks the upper left button "My address books".
> Apologies for the "insult". I didn't meant that. In fact, as a PHP  
> developper, working mostly on JOOMLA project, I'm very interested in  
> HORDE project and I was very disapointed to spent 5 days trying to  
> make it work correctly. If you are member of the horde's team and  
> interested in some newbie impressions discovering your application I  
> give you some constructive critics:
>   * First your presentation in two apparently different parts  
> webmail/groupware with the same "horde groupware webmail edition"  
> makes things fuzzy. I ended to try both, thinking that the "horde  
> groupware webmail edition" webmail version do not permits shares.

What would make you think that? At the very least, the webpage for  
each of those editions is pretty clear that it supports sharing. Both  
the Horde Groupware and the Horde Groupware Webmail edition are  
bundles to make installing a basic horde install simpler.

>   * Next the install process seems needlessly complex. Why a first  
> shell process to build databases and define an administrator? Can't  
> that be done by PHP scripts ? You should have a look on JOOMLA  
> install process about that.

Horde supports *many* different types of configurations. We support a  
very large number of backend servers for each type of service. If you  
have an existing data store in place for, say, address books, there is  
a very large chance that Horde can use the data as-is for it's data  
store for Turba, allowing you to keep existing infrastructure in  
place.  That type of flexibility comes at the cost of increased  
complexity for configuration. We make no assumptions that the way *we*  
want your data stored or configured is the way you want to be  

>   * The setup panel is very wide but you still need to access config  
> files for each component

See last comment.

>   * My fourth headake was about an error message "could not create  
> folder envoy??" each time I send an email, caused probably by a bad  
> encoded file. (any not english files.po can't be displayed  
> correctly, whatever encoding you choose, utf-8, utf-7 or iso-8859-1)  
> and in french the "Sent" folder translated to "Envoy??" leads to  
> that error with no any mails in the sent folder.

>   * Finaly opted for english version. The  
> $conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder'] = false; but still have the  
> "Save a copy in  "Envoy??" setted on new messages that make me loose  
> sent messages if I miss to unset it

I have no idea what this is. Is it possible it's an error being  
returned from your imap server? If you feel it's an error in  
translation, you can send a message to the translations list  
(i18n at lists.horde.org).

>   * Did not find a way to receive all my different mails adresses in  
> my horde account, so I had to redirect all my adresses on one, at  
> mail erver level, and when my replies are always done with the same  
> identity. So my replies to horde's list are rejected cause of by  
> sender identity

Horde/IMP does not support multiple email accounts per one Horde  
account. The next version of IMP is set to include this feature. the  
current stable version *does*, however support using fetchmail to  
retrieve mail from other accounts into the email account that is  
associated with your horde login.

>   * .wav instead .mp3 format forces to install special support in  
> Firefox or having no alarms
>   * The javascript alert on calendar prevents any horde access for  
> 1mn without clicking OK in the popup !

I have no idea what you mean by this.

> I hope these few  feeds back could help. If I wont be able to  
> correct all those issues by myself, as a PHP developper, I would  
> have give up with horde.
> But I want to end saying that application is very good and many  
> functionalities are there to make a good job. I believe groupware is  
> condamned to be implemented on WEB and that project is essential.
> I will probably customize or debug some things and I'd like to know  
> if it is possible to join your team.

Patches, suggestions, questions should be directed to the  
dev at lists.horde.org mailing list.  Alternatively, you may submit  
bug/feature request tickets ... preferably with patches ;) at  


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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