[imp] cvs install

Thierry CHEN frms at webologix.com
Fri Sep 25 15:23:00 UTC 2009

Quoting "Michael J. Rubinsky" <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Thierry CHEN <frms at webologix.com>:
>> Quoting Thierry CHEN <frms at webologix.com>:
>>> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> [Show Quoted Text - 19 lines][Hide Quoted Text]
>>> Zitat von Thierry CHEN <frms at webologix.com>:
>>>>> I installed the CVS FRAMEWORK_3. 
>>>>> Buthttp://localhost/horde/test.php gives :
>>>>> "Warning: include_once(Log.php) [function.include-once[1]]: failed
>>>>> to open stream: No such file or directory in
>>>>> /var/www/horde/framework/Horde/Horde.php on line /3/"
>>>>> Where should I find that file ?
>>>> How to know all the dependencies needed for a proper install ?
>>> docs/INSTALL
>>> Jan.
>>> If I just follow that INSTALL document the message is:
>>> ( ! ) Warning: include_once(Horde.php) [function.include-once[1]]:
>>> failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
>>> /var/www/horde_cvs/lib/core.php on line /40/
>> If I set include_path in core.php to:
>> /ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . 
>> '/var/www/horde/framework/Horde' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 
>> dirname(__FILE__));//kmc_rc/
> It looks like you are pointing the include path at the source tree 
> for framework, not the installed directory.
>> I get:
>> Warning: include_once(Horde/Util.php) [function.include-once[1]]: 
>> failed to open stream: No such file or directory in 
>> /var/www/horde/framework/Horde/Horde.php on line 4
>> How far should I go to get it work ? I think I've missed something 
>> at install. I loaded first horde, then framework under horde 
>> directory. Was there something else to load or to set ?
>>> --
>>> Thierry CHEN
>>> webologix.com
And where is that " installed directory" ?
How could I have guess it ?

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