[imp] Attachments on Windows 7/Vista

Ryan Beatty ryan.beatty at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 10:16:44 UTC 2009


I was wondering if anyone else had come across issues with Windows 7/Vista
and uploading attachments when composing an email?

I am able to reproduce the error on a number of Windows 7 machines, using
Chrome, IE8 and Mozilla.

When uploading the attachment, it just times out after around 5 minutes.

I am however able to attach files from an XP machine, Server 2003, Ubuntu.

I have been testing each time with the same 4mb file.

I cannot find any errors in my apache log files / horde.tmp file that might
explain what I am seeing.

My version of horde/imp is Groupware 1.1. I accept this is quite old, but I
cannot find anything on the mailing list that points to this having been
fixed in a later version.

Many thanks,


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