[imp] How to list mailboxes in a faster way

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Mar 3 16:28:39 UTC 2010

Quoting Ángel Galindo Muñoz <agalindo at ub.edu>:

> Hi!
> 	We've found a different behaviour in how IMP lists the mails in our
> mailboxes against Sun Messaging Server and against MS Exchange. The
> exact versions are:
> - Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-6
> - Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 version 6.5.7226.0
> - Horde 3.3.5 and IMP H3 (4.3.5)
> 	When IMP tries to list the mails on Messaging Server it does it this
> way over IMAP :
> 00000008 FETCH 1:20 UID
> 	and when IMP tries to list the mails on Exchange it does it this way
> over IMAP :
> Content-MD5 Content-Disposition Content-Language Content-Location
> Followup-To References)] INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE FLAGS)
> 	As IMP demands more details for each mail, this request becomes
> painfully long for mailboxes with lots of mails.
> 	How can IMP be configured to send simpler requests to Exchange although
> having different capabilities? Thanks in advance!

This is entirely the fault of the PHP IMAP c-client library.  There's  
nothing you can do about this and is why the IMAP library has been  
completely rewritten in IMP 5.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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