[imp] IMAP \Recent flag disappearing

Szépe Viktor viktor at szepe.net
Sun Mar 7 14:49:58 UTC 2010


ingo eats the \Recent IMAP flag as well as the newmail popup
switching off ingo options resolves this issue

"Should I issue a bug?"
http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8903 :)



I've inserted a debug command into imp/lib/IMAP/Cache.php. This is the  
only function where imap_status is called. (am I right?)
The count of unseen messages increases (in a folder refresh) while the  
count of recent remains zero.
But! sometimes (cannot detect the reason) recent count reaches goes 1  
and *NO* new mail popup is fired.

Please help me to debug and/or solve this.

Thank you very much!
God Bless you!


     function getStatus($imap, $mailbox)
         $mailbox = IMP::serverString($mailbox);
         if (!isset($this->_statuscache[$mailbox]) &&
strpos($mailbox, '}') + 1))) {
             $imp_imap = &IMP_IMAP::singleton();
             $this->_statuscache[$mailbox] =  
@imap_status($imp_imap->stream(), $mailbox, SA_ALL);
Horde::logMessage('getSt: REREQUEST recent=' .  
$this->_statuscache[$mailbox]->recent . '  
unseen='.$this->_statuscache[$mailbox]->unseen, __FILE
             if (!$this->_statuscache[$mailbox]) {
                 if ($err = imap_last_error()) {
                     Horde::logMessage($err, __FILE__, __LINE__,  

         return empty($this->_statuscache[$mailbox]) ? '' :  

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