[imp] allow imap server only through https

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Tue May 25 13:05:54 UTC 2010

>>> Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>>> Is there a possibility to add imap server that will be visible only when
>>>> accessed using https?

>> 2010/5/14 Martin Fraser <mdf at darksnow.net>
>>>>  IMAP isn't accessed through HTTPS at all.

of course. I wouldn't ask in IMP forum how to access IMAP :)

> Zitat von Arminas Grigalius <g.arminas at gmail.com>:
>> Maybe Matus wants to enable some IMAP server(s) only if user access horde
>> system through HTTPS mode.

precisely. I just forgot that I need speecify in details so the people know
I'm not another incapable admin... :)

On 14.05.10 13:38, Jan Schneider wrote:
> There is no need to hack any login script. Just enable/disable servers  
> in imp/config/servers.php based on $_SERVER['HTTPS'].

Great, I solved it by enclosing second server to following if section:

if (array_key_exists('HTTPS',$_SERVER)) {

$servers['imap2'] = array(


now I only need localized version of motd.php ("switch to secure mode").

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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