[imp] IMP account not reading inbox

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 2 09:06:52 UTC 2010

Zitat von Jaap Winius <jwinius at umrk.to>:

> Hi all,
> One of my Horde/Imp servers (Imp H3 4.1.5) has an account that can't  
> read its own inbox. Other accounts on the same system are  
> unaffected. When using the problem account, the inbox always appears  
> empty. The current workaround is a symlink in the user's mail  
> directory that points to the inbox; this works fine.
> My suspicion is that there may be something wrong with this  
> account's Imp settings in the Horde database, but I wouldn't know  
> what. It all looks okay.
> Any ideas about what might be the problem?

Rather sounds like some incompatibility problem with your c-client  
imap library and a certain message in the user's inbox.


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