[imp] IMP and bad coding.

Josef Karliak karliak at ajetaci.cz
Thu Jul 15 12:39:25 UTC 2010

   Hi, again me...
   after adding to the "servers.php" some configuration to use shared  
folders (I've Cyrus Imap server):
'acl' => array(
          'driver' => 'rfc4314',
     'imap_config' => array(
          'children' => true,
          'namespace' => array(
              '' => array(
                  'name' => '',
                  'delimiter' => '.',
                  'type' => 'personal',
                  'hidden' => false
              '#shared.' => array(
                  'name' => '#shared.',
                  'delimiter' => '.',
                  'type' => 'personal',
                  'hidden' => false
          'search_charset' => array(
              'UTF-8' => true

After that I've bad czech coding of the mail boxes:
"Inbox":"Doručená pošta" - it is OK.
  But if I wanna display subfolder, Drafts for example:
"Doru??en?? po??ta.Drafts", there should be "Doručená pošta.Drafts". I  
hope you'll se that right. Long story short, czech letters are changed  
to "??".

   I think I've missed something somewhere, could you kick me to the  
right way ?

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