[imp] Navigation has 2 seconds wait between pages

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 18 16:12:38 UTC 2010

Zitat von Josep Cols <josep at cols.name>:

> Hello:
> Using IMP and from the point of view of the final user, they are a 2  
> seconds wait time between pages:
> -- 2 seconds between login and portal page
> -- 2 seconds between portal page and INBOX page
> -- Clicking on a message, 2 seconds before the message is displayed.
> -- etc.
> This time is a 'fixed time' and does not depends on the number of  
> folders, the messages in a folder, the size of a message, etc.
> Is this the normal behaviour or they are something wrong in my installation?

There is obviously something wrong. Sounds like a DNS resolving  
timeout or something similar.


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