[imp] linked attachment ( VFS ) and virusscan

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Aug 24 18:03:49 UTC 2010

Quoting Andreas Moroder <andreas.moroder at sb-brixen.it>:

> as long as attachment are sent togheter with the email virus  
> scanners on the gateway can scan the mail, but how can attachments  
> be scanned when they are stored on the VFS and sent as attachment ?

You are correct.  There is no virus scanning of VFS attachments.  This  
is beyond the scope of Horde/IMP - although I think a hook that is  
triggered when an attachment is uploaded would probably be appropriate  
to allow an admin to set up the necessary virusscanner.

> It is to consider that the file has to be copied to filesystem so  
> that the virus scanner can scan the file and probably also the fact,  
> that they must be in their original format non 7 bit MIME

Files in VFS are in binary format - not MIME.  MIME encoding is only  
used for mail transport.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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