[imp] help in configuring imp

Rajesh M 24x7server at 24x7server.net
Tue Dec 21 07:06:31 UTC 2010

hi all

we have been using squirrelmail for around 5 years now

however due to small but crucial bugs in html email we are switching over
to horde

we are facing some difficulties and require help

We have configured imp and horde to display html
'inline' => true,

we have a few questions (compared with squirrelmail)

When an user forwards an HTML email with DISPOSITION ATTACHMENT
even then the html email content of the ATTACHMENT email gets displayed 
within the body forwarded email instead of an attachment. I dont want this

Further in the email there are attachments called Part(s)- Forwarded
message. When i click on this, it opens in a new i can see the entire
message headers, html source code -- which CANNOT be forwarded replied to
etc. Normally the attachment should open in the same window and i should
be able to reply/forward the attachment.

I checked this behaviour of the same email using other email clients.
In SquirrelMail, Outlook, Thunderbird etc it shows as an attachment only
AND the same can be replied to or forwarded

is there any solution to the above -- primarily i should be able to open
the attachment message within the same window / new window but with the
ability to forward / reply to the same.


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