[imp] Unable to send mails with attched files with size > 3Mb

Brent impuser at bitrealm.com
Tue Jan 4 16:51:14 UTC 2011

Quoting Josep Cols <josep at cols.name>:

> Hello Brent.
> Thanks for your answer.
> The info displayed on test.php:
> phpinfo: upload_max_filesize = 20M
> File Uploads
>     * file_uploads enabled: Yes
>     * upload_tmp_dir: /var/www/clients/client1/web24/tmp
>     * upload_max_filesize: 20M
>     * post_max_size: 20M
> Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>     * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
>     * memory_limit value: 32M
> And: how to enable logging?
> Thanks
> S'està citant Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com>:
>> Quoting Josep Cols <josep at cols.name>:
>>> Hello:
>>> Using IMP or DIMP, I'm unable to send mails with attached files  
>>> wth a size > 3 Mb
>>> Using IMP, when I press the SEND button, the window changes to a  
>>> black one and a "DONE" msg appears on the foot.
>>> Using DIMP, when I perss the Send Button, Send chnges to "Sending"  
>>> and never ends.
>>> Using IMP, the compose window says that the maximum upload file size = 20M
>>> Using a client mail program (thunderbird) I can send messages with  
>>> attached files of up to 15 Mb (minimum).
>>> I can't see any error on httpd/access.log or error.log files
>>> My php.ini file says:
>>> post_max_size = 20M
>>> upload_max_filesize = 20M
>>> Any idea to search for or to solve the problem?
>>> Thanks in advance
>> Use a browser to http://yourhordeinstallurl/test.php
>> Check the File Uploads area for upload file size (about midway down)
>> Check the View phpinfo() screen (near the top)
>> - Search for upload_max_size
>> Turn on logging and see what the logfile says about the upload size.

They hate top-posting here....

Login to the normal horde (non dimp, use imp instead)
You must be an administrator
Choose Administration>Setup>Horde>Logging
Set it to something like Debug and choose a log file path (eg:   
Try to send a file and see what it says.

Messages like:

HORDE [debug] [horde] Max memory usage: 9115640 bytes [pid 4365 on  
line 340 of "/opt/wwwroot/html/horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php"

Are totally fine, it's just telling you how much memory it used to  
accomplish a certain task.

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