[imp] How to generate load using imp

Piotr Legiecki piotrlg at pum.edu.pl
Wed Feb 9 07:40:49 UTC 2011

>> Jmeter tests apache, but my IMAP server is on another machine. Is this 
>> testing environment suitable for jmeter?
> It tests any web server. And you want to test your webmail frontend, no?

I don't think so ;-/
What I want to do is to put work load *using* Imp4 on the mail server 
(uw-imapd) which is on another machine.

I think Horde/Imp is fine, configured OK (when I test it it is working 
ok), but UW-imap is ill behaving when it sees the new Imp setup *plus* 
load caused by lets say 50-100 people. So I want to simulate those 50 
people reading mails.

The same two servers were ok before with Imp3 (but there I could set up 
mail/ folder easly). So it is not the problem to handle such traffic, 
the problem must be somewhere between Imp4/servers.php and UW-Imapd.

Removing UW-Imap is actually out of question (I'm not an admin there).

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