[imp] login problem with imp

Darryl Cook dlc at cs.appstate.edu
Fri Jun 24 12:39:13 UTC 2011

> You don't log in to imp on 993 or 143, those are IMAP ports. Imp is  
> typically on 80 or 443. If Imp is configured to connect to IMAP  
> using 143 or 993 then that would make more sense.
> If you are getting kicked out and then unable to log on then both  
> Horde logs and IMAP logs should show information as to why. Posting  
> relevant extracts from the logs will probably help.
> Simon Wilson

yes I am aware that imp runs on imap, but if I stated the problem was  
with imap someone would say to post on the imap site :-)   I have  
looked through all the logs and there is nothing except a login  
failed:  Bad Username or Password message.   The username and password  
are correct as imp (or Imap) as you say allows me to connect and read  
mail for about 5 mins before kicking me out.

Darryl Cook
Systems Administrator - Computer Science
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28607

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