[imp] Curious Seen/Unseen Bug help

nsimpson at mtassisi.org nsimpson at mtassisi.org
Mon Jul 25 15:18:19 UTC 2011


I have an usual bug with my Imp installation.  I'm using the latest  
version of the Horde applications installed via pear onto a Windows  
Server 2008  box.  When a user views an unread message in the  
'traditional' view, it isn't being marked as read.  They can use the  
'mark as seen' action from both the message view and the mailbox view  
and the message is properly flagged.  In addition, if the mailbox is  
in 'dynamic' view, the message is correctly marked seen when viewed in  
the preview.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be  
causing this?  I've tried searching the internet for solutions, but  
haven't had the best of luck.


Nick Simpson

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