[imp] Problem with H4 IMP Dynamic mode

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Sep 23 11:03:35 UTC 2011

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> In short, if you are going to update your server on a production  
> system, you need to use static files to serve javascript.  Period.

And from the irony department... this issue just bit me personally.

I've been working on code to fix some issues with dynamic imp on IE9.   
This was done on my laptop a few days ago.  Since then, on another  
system, those changes have been moved to a separate git branch and I  
reverted to git master for now.

Other important information: I specifically *don't* use static files,  
expressly opposite to what I suggested above, since it is infinitely  
easier to debug (e.g. using Firebug) when the javascript files are  
delivered separately and uncompressed.

So... I'm back on my laptop for the first time since I made these  
changes.  Sending the above message, it turns out I was using the  
"newer" javascript code from a few days ago to post my compose text to  
the "older" server-side code.  Sure enough, FF did not catch that the  
javascript files have changed since then.  So the "newer" js code that  
was cached on my browser sends the sent-mail information that is  
encoded differently than what the current git master code expects, so  
sure enough a garbage sent-mail mailbox was created since the  
server-side code incorrectly decoded the sent-mail form data.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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