[imp] Forcing username to lowercase with IMP 5.x

Joe Besko jbesko at msu.edu
Thu Oct 13 17:39:14 UTC 2011

We're running a production version on Webmail Edition 1.2.x and have  
gotten the usernames to be forced to lowercase using the  
_imp_hook_vinfo hook.

I've installed a test version of Webmail Edition 4.0.x for a simulated  
upgrade of the production system.  I see there is a way to force the  
username to lowercase for the authentication, but I am uncertain how  
to get this to work.  I've tried uncommenting the section of code  
(example #2) in the horde/config/hooks.php for authusername, but  
wondered if there is some other configuration flag I need to set to  
enable this functionality.

Do I need to set a variable in a conf.php file ($toHorde)?  If so, in  
the horde/config directory or the horde/imp/config directory or  
somewhere/something else?

I have checked the archives for "lowercase" and "hordeauth" but not  
found an answer for the version 4.0.x.  I am not finding any hints in  
the FAQs to help me out either.



Joe Besko                      Phone:        517.432.5335
Systems Programmer             Fax:          517.353.9847
Michigan State University      E-mail:       jbesko(a)msu.edu
313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

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