[imp] urgent - IMP missing mailboxes after update to 5.0.13

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 21:40:50 UTC 2011


IMP has stopped working after pear upgrade (to version 5.0.13).

Everything else looks fine, but now I cannot open any mailboxes anymore.

IMP is defined as the auth app, and I can login and logou from horde 
just fine.

Dovecot logs seem fine. Nothing appears on /var/log/mail.err and on 
mail.log I get only login and logout msgs, nothing more.

Before the update IMP was working just fine also.

This is the message I´m getting from horde log on /var/log/syslog when I 
click on "inbox":

Oct 16 18:55:39 sfem-server HORDE: [imp] IMAP error: Mailbox doesn't 
exist:  N [pid 25300 on line 340 of "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]

And this is the same msg appearing on screen:


And this when I click on "sent" mailbox:

Oct 16 19:21:00 sfem-server HORDE: [imp] IMAP error: Mailbox doesn't 
exist: I [pid 27983 on line 340 of "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]

Any help?

Thanks a lot.
Luis Felipe

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