[imp] Cyrus imap Junk & Sent child folders

Tomi Orava Tomi.Orava at ncircle.nullnet.fi
Thu Nov 3 05:30:48 UTC 2011

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Quoting Tomi Orava <Tomi.Orava at ncircle.nullnet.fi>:
>> Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.
>> Although the design logic is completely alient to
>> me (what I read from that bug report) I got my problem
>> fixed for myself with the following patch:
>> diff --git a/imp/lib/Mailbox.php b/imp/lib/Mailbox.php
>> index f06f571..1f2fd61 100644
>> --- a/imp/lib/Mailbox.php
>> +++ b/imp/lib/Mailbox.php
>> @@ -1397,8 +1397,8 @@ class IMP_Mailbox implements Serializable
>>         if (!isset(self::$_temp[self::CACHE_SPECIALMBOXES])) {
>>             self::$_temp[self::CACHE_SPECIALMBOXES] = array(
>>                 self::SPECIAL_DRAFTS => self::getPref('drafts_folder'),
>> -                self::SPECIAL_SENT =>  
>> $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('IMP_Identity')->getAllSentmailFolders(),
>> -                self::SPECIAL_SPAM => self::getPref('spam_folder'),
>> +                // self::SPECIAL_SENT =>  
>> $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('IMP_Identity')->getAllSentmailFolders(),
>> +                // self::SPECIAL_SPAM => self::getPref('spam_folder'),
>>                 self::SPECIAL_TRASH =>  
>> $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('use_trash') ?  
>> self::getPref('trash_folder') : null
>>             );
>>         }
> This breaks sent-mail and spam in IMP.  So not close to being a  
> viable solution.

Well, as I mentioned in the end of my mail:

> Of course this is very crude way to handle it, but I myself
> consider the removal of these special handlings much better
> than the original behaviour as now I can at least see the
> folder names correctly.

So, obviously I understand that this patch is not suitable for most of
the people. However, I can now again see my Sent sub-folders again with their
proper names, instead of just having a dozen of "Sent" folders.

I don't think the Spam feature has been working at all during the Horde 4.x
time (and yes, I should have already created a ticket for that, but  
I've been busy) and the sent-mail seems to work just fine even with  
this patch.

What I'd of course like to see, is that we get some patch that makes those
Sent & Spam folders visible again with their proper names as the current
design doesn't feel very user friendly at least in my opinion.

Tomi Orava

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