[imp] forwarding question

Torok Jozsef tj at jgypk.u-szeged.hu
Mon Nov 28 23:56:39 UTC 2011

Hello list!

  We've been using IMP3 for years now, our users are like it. But some users
needed the html-composition in chrome too, so we upgraded to IMP4, which
also looks really nice. After configuring, me and all the test-users almost
immediately noticed the email-forwarding changes. End-users doesn't really
know whats happening, can't see the attachments, so they don't actually
know what they are forwarding.
  Then i searched the lists, and found a topic on this in the dev list  
([dev] Forward message with separate attachments), which is half a  
year old now. I've even checked in to the irc-channel, but someone  
said IMP4 still don't have the feature which called "Edit as new".
Is it in progress yet?


ps: my english is bad, i hope no one gets upset :)

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