[imp] How to specify default preference settings for all users?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Dec 27 21:54:24 UTC 2011

Nikolaos Milas <nmilas at noa.gr> wrote:

>Where can I find a list of available settings so we can know how to 
>specify them in a prefs.local.php file.
>For example, I want to specify as default settings for all users (as I 
>see them stored in horde_prefs db table for a particular user):
>Scope         Name                  Value
>horde        sending_charset        UTF-8
>horde        timezone               Europe/Athens
>imp          default_msg_charset    UTF-8
>imp          max_msgs               200
>imp          use_smime              1
>imp          initial_page           INBOX
>How can I define them properly in prefs.local.php?
>Where in the documentation can I find a list of all available settings 
>(and their possible values) in the proper format so as to be added in 
>prefs.local.php to become default values for all users?
>Thanks in advance,
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In the prefs.php files.
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