[imp] smime support in Horde 4.0

Nikolaos Milas nmilas at noa.gr
Tue Jan 10 15:37:00 UTC 2012

On 10/1/2012 3:16 μμ, Jan Schneider wrote:

> This has nothing to do with Horde. All veryfication is done via OpenSSL.

Thanks Jan. Can you please provide the openssl verification command used 
by Horde, because in my openssl tests I only get "Verification 
successful" and nothing more. For example:

# openssl smime -verify -in 
1324565422.M899551P27561.vmail.noa.gr,S=7583,W=7704:2,Sa -CAfile 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Verification successful

For the same message Horde displays: "Message verified successfully but 
the signer's certificate could not be verified."

> This is not trivial, because the cert doesn't know anything about it's 
> envelope, i.e. the e-mail message. 

But, wouldn't it be easy and conceptually acceptable for Horde code to 
check whether the mail sender's address is included in the Subject Alt 
Name Extension and display that one?


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