[imp] IMAP4rev1 error

Claude Tompers claude.tompers at restena.lu
Tue Jun 5 13:55:22 UTC 2012


Since we put the new Horde into production, more and more users are
complaining about the following error 'The mail server does not support
IMAP4rev1 (RFC 3501).' although the capability is always announced by
the mail servers.

What we found so far is that for some reason, the session stores an
empty capabilitiy list and therefore the error happens. We patched this
by forcing a capability reload in this case, but this is not at all a
clean way to do it.

I appended the workaround patch hoping to give you a hint to this behaviour.

kind regards,
Claude Tompers

Claude Tompers
Ingénieur réseau et système
Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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