[imp] Remove "Empty Folder" icon from mail icons

Leena Heino Leena.Heino at uta.fi
Wed Jun 20 13:25:09 UTC 2012

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, JP Edwards wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there an option to remove the "Empty Folder" icon from the imp folder icons. 
?? If there is no option what file should I look in to edit out this functionality.
?? Horde (horde) 3.3.10Mail (imp) H3 (4.3.9)
> Thanks in advance,

If you want to patch then you should consider patching the file 

Attached is a patch we used here locally. It still shows "empty folder" 
icon but if the folder is not either Trash or Spam it replaces the default 
action to purge deleted.

   Leena Heino              University of Tampere / Computer Centre
   ( liinu at uta.fi )      ( http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tkk )
-------------- next part --------------
--- imp/mailbox.php.orig	2008-08-20 17:42:58.000000000 +0300
+++ imp/mailbox.php	2009-05-07 10:33:45.000154000 +0300
@@ -421,7 +421,11 @@
 $hdr_template->set('search', false);
 if (!$search_mbox) {
     $hdr_template->set('search', Horde::link(Util::addParameter(Horde::applicationUrl('search.php'), 'search_mailbox', $imp_mbox['mailbox']), sprintf(_("Search %s"), $rawtitle)) . Horde::img('search.png', _("Search"), '', $graphicsdir) . '</a>');
+    if (($imp_mbox['mailbox'] == (IMP::folderPref($prefs->getValue('trash_folder'), true))) || ($imp_mbox['mailbox'] == (IMP::folderPref($prefs->getValue('spam_folder'), true)))) {
     $hdr_template->set('empty', Horde::link(Util::addParameter($mailbox_imp_url, array('actionID' => 'empty_mailbox', 'mailbox' => $imp_mbox['mailbox'], 'mailbox_token' => $mailbox_token)), _("Empty folder"), '', '', "imp_confirm(this.href, '" . addslashes(_("Are you sure you wish to delete all mail in this folder?")) . "'); return false;") . Horde::img('empty_spam.png', _("Empty folder")) . '</a>');
+    } else {
+    $hdr_template->set('empty', Horde::link(Util::addParameter($mailbox_imp_url, array('actionID' => 'expunge_mailbox', 'mailbox' => $imp_mbox['mailbox'], 'mailbox_token' => $mailbox_token)), _("Purge Deleted"), '', '', '') . Horde::img('empty_spam.png', _("Pur_ge Deleted")) . '</a>');
+    }
 } else {
     if ($imp_search->isEditableVFolder()) {
         $edit_search = sprintf(_("Edit Virtual Folder Definition for %s"), htmlspecialchars($rawtitle));

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