[imp] conf.php

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Jul 26 19:10:43 UTC 2012

Quoting David Goldfield <dgoldfield at gmail.com>:

> Hi Mike,
> Found your name on the file, so I am assuming you wrote it. We are trying
> to gain administrator access to our horde/imp installation. We need to be
> able add email user accounts, and remove the ones not being used.
> We have access to one account on the imp server and I have added it to
> 'admins' in the horde server and the imp server.

No idea what you mean by "the horde server and the imp server". These  
should be located on the same server. I assume you are referring to  
$conf['auth']['admins'] located in horde/config/conf.php? If so, this  
is the correct (and only) place to do this. It sounds like you may  
getting confused between IMP (The web based mail user agent) and IMAP  
(the protocol used by email servers such as Dovecot or Cyrus to  
communicate with mail user agents). IMP connects to the IMAP server to  
interact with the user's mail.

> When that user logs on to http://DocumentRoot/mail/imp/login.php,
> shouldn't  he/she get administrative functions?

Yes, just like I and others have answered on the mailing list multiple  
times already - this does NOT mean that you will necessarily be able  
to mange email accounts through Horde/IMP. This depends entirely on  
how Horde authenticates to the email server.

> Also, how is the administrator password reset or any password?

Again, there is NO special administrator password. Being able to  
change user passwords via Horde depends on a number of different  
factors - the biggest one being what authentication backend Horde uses  
and if it is the same authentication mechanism used by the email server.

The most common scenario is that Horde authenticates using IMP - which  
authenticates directly against the email server. If this is the case,  
all account management is done outside of Horde using whatever  
mechanism the email server was setup to use. E.g., system accounts or  
virtual user mailboxes etc...  In order for Horde to be able to manage  
email accounts both Horde AND the email server need to use SQL for  
user management.

It sounds like you might be in a bit over your head with this. Horde  
LLC offers paid support if you are interested. See  


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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