[imp] Errors in logs

Thierry Thomas thierry at pompo.net
Sat Aug 25 16:12:51 UTC 2012

Le mar 14 aoû 12 à 20:54:17 +0200, Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes <rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br>
 écrivait :
> Hi, I'm getting a lot of these errors in logs, do you know what could  
> be leading to them?
> ERR: HORDE [imp] IMAP error reported by server. Mailbox does not exist
> WARN: HORDE [imp] PHP ERROR: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in 
> argument


I have also these messages after the authentification step, and then
Horde is blocking forever:

HORDE: [horde] PHP ERROR: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument [pid 97270 on line 289 of "/usr/local/share/pear/Horde/Prefs/Scope.php"]

There is a ticket for this problem:

Unfortunately, it has been marked as a duplicate of Bug #10602, which is
marked as resolved.

Actually, this is not the same problem: my database backend is MySQL,
not Postgresql.

Could you please re-open ticket 10497 ?

FYI: I'm running Horde_Prefs 1.1.8, Horde 4.0.15, IMP 5.0.23, and MySQL

Truly yours,
Th. Thomas.
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