[imp] Task RenameSentmailMonthly

Laurent Foucher laurent.foucher at iut-tlse3.fr
Fri Oct 5 14:00:16 UTC 2012


Thanks you for your answers about my previous mails.

I have a strange behavior related to the tasks DeleteSentmailMonthly  
and RenameSentmailMonthly.

When the preference delete_sentmail_monthly_keep is different from  
zero and rename_sentmail_monthly is active, the task  
RenameSentmailMonthly is never called and then the folders are never  

Is it a bug or a problem with my configuration ?


- Laurent Foucherrename_sentmail_monthly
< I U T 'A'  Paul Sabatier >
laurent.foucher at iut-tlse3.frRenameSentmailMonthly
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