[imp] IMP: Special characters in password "removed/changed" automatically

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Fri Oct 5 14:27:58 UTC 2012

Citeren Stefan König <montiburns at googlemail.com>:

> thanks.
> now I wonder why it works on my other server. the only difference there
> is, that the IMAP server uses unencrypted passwords in the database.....
> that could mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with horde but with the
> cyrus imap server handling cleartext and encrypted PWs differently....

You've experienced the reasons why you shouldn't use non-ASCII  
characters first hand. There is just no way to reliably determine  
which character set is being used if using non-ASCII characters (it  
also depends on the character set used by the browser).

Best regards, Arjen

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