[imp] HTML to plain text formatting

Oscar del Rio delrio at mie.utoronto.ca
Tue Nov 6 20:54:01 UTC 2012

While testing HTML composing of emails I noticed some problems in the 
text/plain conversion.

Example: Compose HTML email mixing normal text with bold, italics, etc.
Normal Strong Normal Italics Normal Underline Normal Strike Normal

The text/html part is as expected:
Normal <strong>Strong</strong> Normal <em>Italics</em> Normal 
<u>Underline</u> Normal <strike>Strike</strike> Normal

But the text/plain part seems to have conversion problems (words are 
Normal STRONGNormal /Italics/Normal _Underline_Normal StrikeNormal

Is this a bug in IMP or some other PHP library problem?



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