[imp] message 'There are no parts that can be shown inline.

Bruno Costacurta techie at costacurta.org
Wed Nov 21 17:46:05 UTC 2012

>> Without knowing the structure of the message, it is not possible to
>> provide further input.  It is entirely possible that there is no part
>> that can be displayed inline.


this problem affects emails from different sources (eg. Linkedin or  
mailing list like 'Open H Source').
All these emails were correctly seen before (as far as I can remember)  
my latest upgrade under H5.
Certainly worth to mention that other webmail software like  
Roundcubemail works very fine in same condition.

Looks like the parameter hmtl inline is set to 'false' in file  
mime_drivers.php, but I confim it is setuo to 'true'


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