[imp] Bugs in rtl (hebrew) layout

E.S. Rosenberg esr+hordeimp at g.jct.ac.il
Sun Nov 25 00:42:55 UTC 2012

The hebrew/rtl layout is fairly buggy, I'd like to try and fix it up a
bit but I'm not familiar enough with the horde framework and I doubt
that I have enough time to delve into it and fix it like that, where
can I send the bugs & their (partial) fixes in the css et al.?

Some initial problems:
id="horde-slideleft" class="horde-splitbar-vert" style="left:<?php
echo $this->width ?>px">

This inline style should be "right:<?php echo $this->width ?>" when
dealing with an rtl language, so some type of language/direction check
is needed here...

Again here:
id="horde-page" style="left:<?php echo
$prefs->getValue('sidebar_width') ?>px">

And in the screen.css file that deals with #horde-page the padding
needs to be direction dependent.


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